15 years of NILION Trading GmbH
NILION Trading GmbH, Viennas distributor of erotic articles, supplies a more and more selfconfident operating market – focused on the gay sector – for 15 years by now. Primally adjustet to consumer needs, Nilion now also provides the B2B market. Far more than 40.000 european clients, mostly from Austria, Germany, France, UK and Switzerland, trust in this experienced and reliable distributor, just like customers from around the world.
Recognized as a leading European supplier of Room Odouriser until the end of 2010, the growing range now includes over 10.000 articles from the segments leather, rubber, neoprene, clothing, BDSM toys, anal toys, cock toys, medical toys, lube, condoms, drugstore, DVD´s and an extensive range of accessories.
Please do not hesitate to contact us in case of any question:
NILION Trading GmbH
Hosnedlgasse 12, Objekt 3
1220 Wien
Telefon +43 (1) 715 55 55 - 0
Telefax: +43 (1) 715 55 55 - 99
Email: wholesale@nilion.com